Sunday 1 May 2011

You cant buy or sell these PRECIOUS STONES, but is there a cost?

The PRECIOUS STONES I'm describing in the title are FRIENDS, we all have them whether we have alot or we have a few, weve all had Friends. 

Everyone holds their friends in different regards as one another. Some people worship the friendships that they have, while others switch up their counterparts as if they were accessories. Ive been thinking a lot recently about how important it actually is for me to have certain people in my life. I've come to a crossroad where I'm transitioning from the girl I used to be to becoming the young woman I'm supposed to be. So obviously alot of changes must come to place to cater to the newer and older me. Now I'm not all "uppity and too good" for anyone, thats besides my point. It's a case of; the conversations and subject matters that I would have found intriguing at 16 are a whole different ball game now that I'm 20. The cold hard truth is that not all of our friends grow along with us. They may have your age in common but they are still willing to act in the same way they used to act 4 years ago. Another cold truth is that thier personality may have been so intriguing and would have surficed the younger you, but as youve aged you find yourself searching and yearning for something different. Sometimes a decision has to then be made about that friendship, noones saying ditch them or belittle them but maybe you need to figure out what catergory they should be placed in. In this article I wanted to touch on a few touchy subjects and explore what it means to grow out of some friends and in what regard we should hold them.

Before I mentioned something about putting friends into "catergories", I was given this wonderful instruction by a an old boss of mine; she told me that friends should be put into "Boxes". Yes, boxes. 

O.K lets try something, begin to visualise boxes in your mind, I always visualize simple cardboard ones but you can visualise what ever suits you, it could be pots or cups, as long as it can contain something. OK, so think of all the people that you have ever encountered in your life, now begin to sort them out mentally. This is when you can begin to place people into thier own little catergory and place them in your boxes. 

So  for example, my boxes are as titled:

1.Best Friends
2.Close Friends

Yes those are the catergories I put people, that come in and out of my life into.

Im aware my way of choosing friends may be quite calculated and noone wants to know what "box" they may fit in but as you grow up these things become necessary. For example if you're going through a very personal situation you're not going to tell those that fit into the "acquaintances" box, are you? I've seen way too many situations where females discuss thier business with the wrong people, in the same way they would thier best friend and then they're crying tears because their business managed to get around the city. Or sometimes you want to go out and party it up all weekend and some of your best friends are too reserved for that, so you call up your "partying buddies" because you know you will be dancing all night. You dont have to tell them all of your business or even ask them about theirs, you just simply enjoy eachothers company in certain environments. As I wrote before, I can understand how that may seem like using people, but YES thats precisely what it is :). 

Wait a minute .... no not use as in "get what you want and leave", I mean surround yourself with positive and like minded people and use their energies to be inspired. 

For example you have a friend who is very well organised, maybe you can begin to take on that trait in some aspects of your life. Friendship is like team work, everyone has a role and a purpose within a friendship group. If you need a good belly laugh then you know who you will be hanging out with that weekend. If you need to talk about your feelings then you know who you're calling up at 12 at night.
  Now what about those, "no good,so called" friends, well either one of two things happened; you put the wrong friend in the right box, you grew out of them or they grew out of you. To be honest its always the friends that betray you that actually make you a much wiser and stronger person than those that stick by you.
They only deserve a "thank you for the lesson learned" and you just keep it moving.
  Friends are indeed like free precious stones that become costly when you mismanage them. People can always move around into different boxes and some mix into more than one. However, no matter what, you need to know who you are and you must make sure that you are surrounded with those that are like minded. You need friends that are going to help elevate you, so choose wisely.