Sunday 1 May 2011

Chronicles of a SINGLE Flower

As of lately one thought has been swirling around in my mind and that is whether Im happy being Single or not .....

Now ok I know, I should know whether Im happy with not having a partner, or i'd have a partner, right? However our feelings about living a Single life depend upon our circumstance when questioned about it. 

For instance a Young Woman who's always been in a relationship since her school days, who has never been single longer than 2 months, (even during those two months she was then dating her new beau). She may sometimes drift off into curiousities as to what it may be like to live a life of singledom. 

Then on the other side of the spectrum, someone who hasnt had many relationships and spends alot of their life being single, may wonder what it would be like to have a partner in crime to fight the troubles of life with. 

In all entire honesty my love life embodies the latter example, so understandably I'm in the predicament of "should I just get used to walking this earth without another half?" or "should I keep hope alive?". I think the best way to go about coming up with an answer is to look at both sides of the spectrum  and come to a fair conclusion.Yay lets go :) ..

I'll begin with the negatives first ..

Lonliness - This is pretty much the main negative that comes with being single. Valentines day is the one day that your probably not to keen on leaving the house after 6, checking up on any form of social network because of the fear of being inundated with all these happy couples sharing their love and boasting about it. One couldnt feel more lonely than on that day.

Sexual frustration - I dont want to trail off anywhere, o boy, this needs a whole section all to itself, so Im sure I dont have to explain this one ;).

Insecurity- Sometimes it feels as if everyone is in a relationship when your single, so you begin to question "whats so different about me?"

Well thats enough of that, here are the positives.

Freedom - This is the best part of being single, as a single myself I could go on and on but I'll keep it short. Firstly, You don't have to answer to anyone, there is no "checking-in" , no explanations, you can travel the world aimlessly, you can look a mess some days, you can wear those hideous yet comfy pyjamas. I think you get the picture, you are in complete control.

Scoping out your next prospect - next time you see that "cute guy" there's no need to feel guilty for staring or even maybe touching :), every guy is fair game (the fellow single ones obviously), there is no such thing as cheating. You can date as many guys as you want for as long as you want until you know that its worth the dive. You have all the time in the world and all the fish in the sea right at your feet.

Self awareness - This is quite the opposite to being insecure. When you are single for a fair amount of time, you have much more time to get to know YOU, you have the oppurtunity to watch yourself grow, you understand yourself alot more, you know your tolerances and you know your weaknesses. So when you do in fact meet a new lover you know your worth and you know your capabilities, you know who you are, so you know what you are bringing to the table.

Well that was quite refreshing to actually write down my thoughts and make sense of them. In my opinion everything truly happens for a reason, I think its healthy to experience both the negatives and positives of being single because sometimes we need a dose of reality and some days we need a fairytale. If you're single right now like myself. Maybe this is Gods way of giving you an opportunity to become more self aware and to get to know yourself. Or you may have to feel the negative effects because you may need to know how to survive in lonely and frustrating situations in life and you need a thick skin to cope. No matter what the circumstance everything has its season. Its your season to be single, so what will you do to help the time go by? ....