Wednesday 7 March 2012

National Women's History Month - MiniZineSeries

As amateur as my efforts may be, I've made a step towards something I never thought would seem so close to attaining. 
I was quite worried about the load I may have to carry, so I reached out to two very talented friends of mine, in order to help me bring my visions to life. Coming from an art background, I'm forever fortunate in being able to pull up on certain resources.
So without further ado, I'd like to introduce one of the ladies who has helped me make a healthy start. She is currently studying Fine Art and is focusing on photography as a medium ...

Aleshia Maria Millard 

Project work

Project work

What made you decide to choose photography as a means of expression?
Photography is the most realist way to capture something being it though because it is visually documented rather than through an essay or word of mouth.

Does a picture look for you, or do you look for the picture?
Taking a picture is kind of instinctive sometimes the mood or ambiance is just right and you know you have the shot or sometimes out of thirty shots you have one good picture. It’s a case of luck and being in the right place at the right time

Where would you like to go with this skill in the future?
I would most likely want to look into Photojournalism.

Thoughts on the Blanket Memoirs?
I think it is an honest, creative and innovative way of looking at issues and ideas that we all come across at different points in our lives  

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