Saturday 26 January 2013

"He who has no sin ...................."

I can truly be my own worst enemy. I set such high standards and strict rules that I should abide by. When I don’t stick to them, it eats away at me.
However, I ultimately forget that I am human.
I made a personal vow to myself and after doing quite well; I broke my promise to myself and none the less; it left a bitter taste in my mouth. I began to beat myself up about it.

In this article I want to touch on self-forgiveness.

You may have lied about something, hurt someone’s feelings or missed out on an opportunity, regardless of the criteria of the circumstance; you’re allowed to make mistakes.


Because you can, no reason needed, well other than the fact that you aren't perfect.

View life as a slippery slope (the weather has inspired me).
You are walking up a hill, it’s thick with ice and you decided you weren't going to drop because dropping would be embarrassing.

Pride says “only the weak and the stupid slip up”.

You’re doing so well for a while, you waver a little here and there but your journey is going swimmingly, then .....

BANG! you’ve just landed straight onto your coccyx bone.

There are people around you, some walk by you and don’t even offer a helping hand. You feel ashamed, embarrassed and most of all you begin to beat yourself up. 

You think  “I feel like such an idiot!” “yes, I am an idiot”

These thoughts spin around in your head because you put such a high expectation on yourself, expecting that you wouldn't fall.

No one is a professional at living life and funnily enough even professionals make mistakes. Singers sing off key, doctors diagnose patients incorrectly etc. 

Let me drop a scripture, or you can view it as an ancient proverb depending on your religious beliefs.

"Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?" 
"Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven". Matthew 18: 21-22.

Even though this scripture is referring to other people it can most defiantly be used upon yourself, that’s what I love about the bible, it’s so versatile and relevant to every situation.
Another thing I must add is that; it is best not to get into a cycle of forgiving yourself and then repeatedly making the same mistakes. In this piece I’m referring to odd chances and slip ups that were made after a genuine effort to stay on the straight and narrow.
In conclusion, you’re wasting your time mulling over your mistakes. You could be using that valuable time to do the RIGHT thing in a NEW situation. 

P.S I found the image above on google but funnily enough, the website that I knicked it from  

used the same annecdote as me ... random observation. Great minds, aye!

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