Monday 3 October 2011

“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.”

Today I want to talk about change and how difficult it may be but it’s always for the better. Just hold on and keep going. 

A lot of change has happened in my life and my eyes have been opened much wider now. Often times the light at the end of the tunnel can seem to move further and further away. It can seem like a decision you may have made wasn't wise, or things around you are beginning to fall apart and you are now suffering.

 You may begin to feel discouraged and down, but the flip side to it all is that pain is normal and quite necessary; when going through life. Its just like exercise, if you don't feel the burn it's not working. 

"Pain is the Mother of Change". 

No I'm not a Sadomasochist (lol), my point is that once you've gone through a few things in life, you develop valuable knowledge and a thicker skin. I look at it as we’re all pieces of clay and none of us start off in the shape that is necessary for our destiny, this is not a mistake.

 There is a reason why we aren't ready made and that’s because without struggle or hard work, you will never truly appreciate what you have, I look at it as, the greater the pain, the bigger your destiny. 

So back to being a clump of clay, freshly dug up and ready to mould, now obviously clay does not possess “feelings”, (I should hope not :/), but it does display characteristics of “stress” (stick with me).

For instance, if you leave it out without adding water and constantly kneading it, it will dry out. If we leave it in the kiln for too long or turn up the heat, the pressure may cause it to explode. It can crack, if it is too thin and when moulded it can break if it is dropped. 

So back to my point on how we are like clay. Just like clay we have to be moulded and shaped, unlike clay we DO have feelings and we feel pain when we are moulded and shaped by our circumstances. Pain is like a wakeup call and an indicator that you will become a new person after your experiences.

 Think of all the pain induced scenario’s that have a positive result; child birth, surgery, vaccinations (needles) etc. It’s not the pain, it is the purpose behind the pain. Not all lessons are learnt through pain we often learn lessons through love.

 However change is usually associated with pain. I want you to realise just like myself, that it’s not the pain that you are experiencing that is of any importance; it’s the new lesson learned. I know it’s so cliché’, but it’s too real to not repeat over and over. 

Now obviously after you’ve gone through a painful situation, you will not want to experience that pain again. It may cause you to distrust others and to become bitter and withdrawn from certain situations. You are human and that is perfectly normal, but it should only be given a time period. Then you must get back up again because what good is a lesson learned if you can’t use the new wisdom you’ve gained.

 Ok so now that you may have some form of understanding of  emotional pain whilst going through change; maybe taking a risk in life won’t be that bad. I say that very loosely because I’m not encouraging stupid decisions and I don’t know your circumstance. But think about an opportunity that you’ve wanted to take but you feared the consequence. Or maybe leaving a situation that you’re in and you fear being lonely. Yes, you will experience pain and heartache, but it will be for the best, even if you have to go all the way back to square one, it’s for the best. You have been given a new day. Don’t let the fear of pain stop you.